Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Taking a stab at a box purse

Took a stab at making a box purse after seeing Chi Chi Allen's pretty little purse on SCS. So for my first attempt I thought of my friend Tammy who is just as addicted to stamping as I am and loves to try out new projects for gifts. For her, I thought she would like some personalize note cards. I used Signature Suite paper for the box and added a prima flower held with a SU brad to the front so the brad would hold down the front fold. Notecards are made with SU Regal Rose and accented with the Signature Suite paper and SU choclate chip and close to coco. For the inital I used a rub-on alaphbet, since I cut the matting as 1 3/4" and 2" then realized that my stamps were either too large or too small. After completing the little box I decided not to add the purse strap as I kind of like the look of the little pocket box. I thought it turned out rather cute if I may say, so of course I made myself one just to have to sit on my self in my craft area. LOL ladies...


Tammy Miller said...

Of course I love it the gift and the blog! Good Job!

Nicole said...

Whoa mama! You're moving up in the tech world. You're a bonafide blogger. I hear it is addicting. Be careful what you type. They say it may never ever go away. LOL! I love the new creation. You need to post the lunchbox that you, uh umm, made for Katie filled with cards. No...I'm not jealous, really I'm not.

Allison Rankin said...

Great job and welcome to blogland!